The Bempton & Buckton Community Village Hall has released notice of their 2024 Annual General Meeting.

The AGM will be held on Thursday 16th May 2024 at 7.00pm in the Main Hall.

AGM of registered charity number 1204951

The necessary business of the Charity including the receiving of Annual Reports and Accounts and the election/reelection of Trustees and officers. 

The Trustees who are retiring by rotation are Maureen Burnell, Ann Parker and Gareth Patchett. Each of them will seek reelection. Graham Richard Ambler is seeking election for the first time. All officers have confirmed their willingness to continue in post until the next AGM.

Copies of all necessary Statements and Reports will be available in the Village Hall before the meeting.

Dissolution of registered charity number 1064165

The charity has recently transferred its assets from the previous charity number 1064165 to a newly registered charity 1204951.

Therefore the Executive Committee has decided that it is advisable to dissolve the Charity (1064165) and therefore, in accordance with Paragraph V of its Constitution, a proposal to that effect will be put to this meeting.

[The reason for the decision to seek approval for dissolution is that Registered Charity No.1064165 is redundant having transferred its assets to Registered Charity No 1204951 which is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with essentially the same objects and precisely the same membership.]

Everyone is welcome to contribute and attend the meeting

Any member wishing to add any item to the Agenda should contact the Secretary on 07803 246 554 or email by 2nd May 2024.

All residents of the two villages are members of the Charity. There is provision within the Constitution for non- resident Hall users to become members by application 

Notices of the above are available for download:

Charity 1064165 AGM notice

Dissolve of charity 1064165 AGM notice

Charity 1204951 AGM notice