The Bowls Club recorded a 5 – 5 draw away to Scarborough Eagles last Monday just missing out on the aggregate score bonus. A very good result away from home.


Dance News

Ann and Mel are finishing the “ Basic Sequence Dance” Classes this Thursday 3rd December.  These will start again on Thursday  7th January for both NEW and existing dancers ( 7-45 – 9-45pm ) at £3-00 per Person. Contact them on 01262 850135 for further details.

The first Tea Dance of the New Year will be on Tuesday 12th.



Well done to the Brownies whose sponsored skip raised over £500 for Nepal earthquake victims.

Bempton Village Hall 1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster. NBFP PA1524-4d
Bempton Village Hall
1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster.
NBFP PA1524-4d
Bempton Village Hall 1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster. NBFP PA1524-4a Brownies
Bempton Village Hall
1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster.
NBFP PA1524-4a
Bempton Village Hall 1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster. NBFP PA1524-4j
Bempton Village Hall
1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster.
NBFP PA1524-4j
Bempton Village Hall 1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster. NBFP PA1524-4i
Bempton Village Hall
1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster.
NBFP PA1524-4i
Bempton Village Hall 1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster. NBFP PA1524-4h
Bempton Village Hall
1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster.
NBFP PA1524-4h
Bempton Village Hall 1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster. NBFP PA1524-4g
Bempton Village Hall
1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster.
NBFP PA1524-4g
Bempton Village Hall 1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster. NBFP PA1524-4f
Bempton Village Hall
1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster.
NBFP PA1524-4f
Bempton Village Hall 1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster. NBFP PA1524-4e
Bempton Village Hall
1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster.
NBFP PA1524-4e
Bempton Village Hall 1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster. NBFP PA1524-4c
Bempton Village Hall
1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster.
NBFP PA1524-4c
Bempton Village Hall 1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster. NBFP PA1524-4b ready for the challange Madeline Rowntree 9
Bempton Village Hall
1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster.
NBFP PA1524-4b
ready for the challange Madeline Rowntree 9
Bempton Village Hall 1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster. NBFP PA1524-4a Brownies
Bempton Village Hall
1st Bempton Brownies doing a sponsored skip to raise funds for the Nepal disaster.
NBFP PA1524-4a




Date for your diary. The sword dancers are returning to Bempton on 26th December at 11.30 am in the Village Hall car park or inside if the weather is inclement!  More details to follow.


The November Tea Dance was a great success raising £250 for Children In Need. Ann Parker made a special effort baking Pudsey biscuits and decorating all the cakes with miniature Pudseys. (See pictures below).

The December (Christmas) Tea Dance is on Tuesday 8th from 2-00 till 5-00pm. at £3.50p p/p including refreshments.




There will be a Bottle Stall at the Victorian Market with all proceeds going to the Community Village Hall. If you would like to help raise funds by donating a bottle of something alcoholic this would be much appreciated. Please leave bottles at the Hall or contact Maureen or any Committee Member.



We are having a table at the craft event in the Village Hall  on Saturday 14th November. We will be doing a Giant Tombola at Bempton Christmas Market on Sunday 15th November. The Christmas lunch list is now closed.