Well done to everyone who played in the friendly at Crossgates. This was our first away match. The result was a closely fought draw at two wins each. Next fixture is at home to Flixton on Wednesday 7th October at 7.00pm.

Don’t forget the AGM on 23rd October at 1.00pm in the Community Village Hall. Next year’s subs are now due at £5.00. (What a bargain!)


Don’t forget the race night Saturday 10th October. Admission free. Pie and Pea supper is available at £ 4.00 per head.  Please ring Maureen, our Bookings Secretary, on 0844 500 5152 or email us at for further information snd to reserve supper tickets. A fun night with maybe a few winners. Special Auction of a glider flight.


The meeting on 9th September was a resounding success with a free lunch, including home made sherry trifles, followed by an hour’s singalong with ‘Midlife Crisis’. Everyone had a good time. The next meeting will be on 14th October 2.00pm – 4.00pm in the Village Hall (members £1.00, guests £1.50). Tea, coffee and biscuits, raffle and bring and buy. Names to be taken for the Christmas Luncheon at Sewerby Grange. Hamper Draw numbers will go on sale.


Much excitement as the Bowls Club team made its long awaited Scarborough League bow last Wednesday 24th September evening at home to Cayton C. We drew the match 5 points each having won two games and drawn one. We lost out on aggregate shots so honours even. So an encouraging start.

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