The Committee is now working towards the development of the Hall Website into a full Villages Website. It is planned that the site will include content about and/or links to all aspects of life in the villages. It is early days but if you would like your activity, business etc to have a presence on the site please contact us at


To judge by the comments in the Visitor’s Book (” Fab food, fab music and fab company” – “an afternoon to remember” – “a smashing do” – “when are we having another one?” etc. etc.) there can be no doubt that a great time was had by all 44 people that came to the Hall last Sunday and enjoyed lunch, music from Midlife Crisis, a game of bingo and a prize draw for a hamper.

Congratulations to all involved in the planning and running of this wonderful free event.

photo 3  photo 2




The Committee (past and present) has been nominated by Alan & Ros McLean for this award in recognition of the tremendous effort so many people have made over the years to raise the funds to get our wonderful Hall built and recently in obtaining lottery funding and overseeing its construction and development into the thriving village asset it is today. ERYC welcomes letters of support for nominations so if you feel able please write to or Mrs Sarah Asquith at ERYC, County Hall, Beverley HU17 7BA or email chairman’

I.T. at the HALL

The Computer Room is coming!  We need to know what you would like us to offer. Help with choosing a computer or other device; help with browsing; help with shopping; using software; email etc etc? Please let us know. Phone June on 01262 851 700 or email us at Thank you.


A table tennis group is under consideration. If you might be interested please give Barry a ring on 01262 850 602 or email the Hall website


The organisers of the Crafty Companions Craft Fayre would like to offer their thanks to all those who hired tables or helped in any way as well as to those who attended and supported us. Many stalls did exceptionally well. Congratulations to Jeff Wardlow who raised over £ 200 for the Brain Tumour Trust ( a very deserving cause ). 
Thoughts are already turning to the possibility of holding a similar event in the summer and almost certainly one next Christmas so watch this space!