The next Bingo Night is this Friday 14th September. Eyes down 7.00pm. £ 5.00 entry to include all games. There will be a raffle and refreshments will be available. All proceeds to Village Hall funds. 


Bempton Bempton and Buckton Community Village Hall Raffle Prize List
1st Prize A Glider trip – Wendy Burton
2nd Prize A Luxury Summer Hamper – J Bennett
3rd Prize A Debenhams’ voucher for £25 – Jenny Traves
4th Prize Afternoon tea for two at Eastfield Garden Centre – D Braithwaite
5th Prize A pair of tickets to see Jimmy Cricket at Bridlington Spa – Jeff Wardlow
6th Prize A handmade shawl – L Hale
7th Prize A Liggett’s meat voucher for £10 – Paul Nicholson
8th Prize A big cuddly tiger – Lance & Pal
9th Prize to 14th Prize A bottle of wine – Nettleship, Ann Maycock, Shona, Mel & Ann Parker, Trish B,
C Tranmer, Tony & Jenny
15th Prize A box of 6 Black Sheep Beers – Sheila Norburn
16th Prize A box of biscuits – Janette Suddery
17th Prize to 26th Prize A box of chocolates or sweets – Tony, Maureen Burnell, Ann & Mel, B
Gordon, Shona, Phil Bowie, Verena, C Tranmer, S Foster and Sue Eaton 


The next Bingo Night is next Friday – 3rd August. Eyes down 7.00pm. BYO alcoholic drinks . £ 5.00 entry to include all games. There will be a raffle and refreshments will be available  All proceeds to Village Hall funds. 




The Grand Summer Raffle Draw and Social with Pie and Peas Supper and musical entertainment from the JUKEBOX singing group is on Saturday 4th August at 7.30pm in the Community Village Hall. All welcome – tickets at £7.50 are available from Bempton Village Shop or any Committee member or by calling 0844 500 5152 or 07849 639 650. Raffle tickets still available from the same sources.


Weekend of 7th / 8th July – Table Top and Garage Sale 

Saturday 8th August – Social Evening featuring Jukebox and Grand Summer Raffle Draw 

Grand Summer Draw

Tickets for the Community Village Hall Summer Raffle are now available at the Hall or from any Committee Member. Tickets are £ 1.00 each with all proceeds going to Village Hall funds . Prizes include a glider flight and a luxury hamper . The draw will take place on  Saturday 4th August at the JUKEBOX social. Your support will be very much appreciated. 

Continue reading “Grand Summer Draw”


The next meeting for the Annual Village Meeting is to be held on Tuesday 22nd May 2018 at
6.30pm in Bempton Village Hall.
1. To agree the minutes from the previous meeting (16/05/2017)
2. Guest speaker Mr Colin Walker ERYC (Bus service)
3. To receive reports from outside organisations.
4. Public Forum
5. Chairman’s Report
6. Close meeting..


Bempton and Buckton Community Village Hall


Bempton and Buckton Community Village Hall (the Charity) needs to keep certain information about its Trustees, Officers, Committee Members, Members, regular users, donors and occasional users to carry out its day-to-day operations, to meet its objectives and to comply with legal obligations.

The Charity is committed to ensuring that any personal data will be dealt with in line with current data protection legislation. To comply with the law personal information will be collected and used fairly, stored safely and not disclosed to any other person unlawfully.

The aim of this policy is to ensure that everyone handling personal data is fully aware of the requirements and acts in accordance with data protection procedures.

We will ensure that personal data will be: –
1. obtained fairly and lawfully and for a specific and lawful purpose
2. adequate and relevant but not excessive
3. accurate and kept up-to-date
4. not held longer than necessary
5. processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects
6. subject to appropriate security measures

The Charity processes the following personal information – names addresses and contact details of the persons referred to above. The Charity will ensure that data will not be sold to companies or given to public organisations. Personal data will only be passed on to a third party with written consent, be processed for the purposes stated only, stored for informing potentially interested parties about events and activities where the data subject has given permission by opting in, be accurate and be kept up to date, be erased as soon as out of date or when not necessary, be kept in a safe place and where relevant on a computer which is kept securely and fully protected.

Registered Charity 1204951 – High Street Bempton YO15 1HS