Don’t forget the Table Top Sale this Saturday.
Bingo on Friday 12th May in the Hall. Eyes down 7.00pm. £5.00 entry to include all games. Teas and coffees available. Raffle. All proceeds to Village Hall funds.
At the AGM of the Scarborough League yesterday (13th April ) the promotion of the B team to the First Division was confirmed. Congratulations to them. The League accepted the Club’s application for a third team to join the As in Division Two. The new season begins in September. The Club continues to bowl all summer and new players will be made most welcome.
The Club met on 12th April when all enjoyed the hot cross bun and eggs. There was a good Raffle and Bring and Buy Table. The next meeting is on 10th May when anyone wishing to take part in the Photo Competition should please bring along an old photograph of herself.
Don’t forget the next Bingo Night is on Friday 14th April. Eyes down 7.00pm.
A Table Top Sale will be held in the Community Village Hall on Saturday 27th May 2017 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Admission Free. Cost of a table is £6.00 and set up time is from 9 a.m. Refreshments will be available. All proceeds to Village Hall funds. To book a table or any enquiries ring 01262 422047 or 07774 232662
Congratulations to the B team who finished third in the League six points in front of the As. Bowling continues in the Hall throughout the summer. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings are club nights but you are more than welcome to come along and have a try. Friday morning is an open social bowling session.
The next meeting is on the 12th April 2pm – 4pm in the Community Village Hall
(entrance for members £1 and guests £2). There will be tea, coffee and a hot cross bun. There will also be the usual raffle and bring and buy table and we will be having a picture quiz. See you all then
The final week of the season saw 8-2 defeats for each team. A’s at home to Flixton and B’s away to tabletoppers Crossgates.
Tuesday 11th April 2017. TEA DANCE. Bempton & Buckton Village Hall. 2-00 till 5-00pm. £4 per person including refreshments & Homemade Cakes. Come along & enjoy the music & great company. Proceeds to help Village Hall Funds. Further details Tel. 01262 850135